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Licensed Show Requirements

There is more travel involved around the state of Virginia and surrounding states when showing at licensed shows.  However there are several right in our back yard at Commonwealth Show Grounds in Culpeper.   Dressage, Hunters, Show Jumping all have licensed shows at this venue.


Riding Requirements

Riders must own or lease their own horse to compete in licensed shows.  

Commit to a minimum of 2 lessons per week if under the age of 18.


Here is what you will need


All licensed shows require the rider, owner or leaser, and the horse to have certain memberships.

All horses must have a USEF Number

All Riders Owners and Leasers must also have a USEF Membership

Anyone over the age of 18 must complete USEF Safe Sport Training

Dressage riders must also have a USDF Participating Membership

Hunter Jumpers must also have a USHJA Membership and the horse must also have a USHJA number

Eventers must also have a USEA membership and the horse must also have a USEA number

These are year long memberships that will cover you for the entire show season.

Some of our local organizations include a GMO membership to some of the above.  This means that extra memberships are not required for some things.  It is very important to read the requirements carefully and know what memberships you need for points and recognitions.

Attire Dressage

1.  Dressage show coat

2. Show shirt

3. Stock tie and pin or neck tie for male riders

4. White show breeches (other colors are now allowed.   If you would like to change you look it must be approved through Ms. Jen prior to the show.

5.  Tall boots

6.  Black show Gloves

7.  properly fitted show helmet

8.  Belt

9.  Hair net

Attire Hunters

1.  Hunter show coat

2.  Show shirt

3.  neck tie for male riders

4.  Tan colored breeches or judpurs for childrens

4.  Field boots or guarders (field boots are worn with breeches and guarders are worn with jodpurs)

6.  Black riding gloves

7.  Properly fitted show helmet

8.  Belt

9.  Hair net or bows (if you are wearing field boots you wear a hair net, if you are wearing jodpurs you wear bows)

Show Jumping

1.  Show jumping  show coat

2.  Show shirt

3.  White breeches

4.  Belt

5.  Hair net

6.  Tall boots

7.  Black Gloves

8.  Properly fitted show helmet


1.  All Items for Dressage and Show Jumping


1. Dressage whip

2. Crop

3. Spurs

4. Cross Country Vest (Eventing)

5. Jumping boots

6. Grooming supplies

7. Braiding supplies

8. Saddle

9. Bridle

10. Girth

11. 5 point harness (Eventing/show jumping)

12. Standing martingale (Hunters)

13. Halter and lead rope

14. Hay net

15. Water Buckets and Feed Bucket


1.  Coaching per day $75

2.  Day lease of horse $75/per day off property (this fee is waived if you already have a lease subscription)

3.  Entry Fees and Membership fees

4.  Trailering $2.00/loaded mile

5. Riders are responsible for coaches travel and hotel fees 

6. Stabling/ bedding for your horses stall

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10598 Hickory Hill Ln,

Rixeyville, VA 22737


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